Breach of Justice, and Contempt of Laws, proved their Bane and Demolition; and not their being Monarchs. The next Innovation in the Athenian State, was the Aristocratic Government, consisting of Four Hundred Men. No long Space intervened, till ambitious Views and popular Commotions created new Disturbances in the State. Liberty, by the Constitution of the Realm, is the Birthright of every Englishman, and ought to be defended by all. From the Time of the Prince’s mounting the Throne, the Interest of England began to sink in the Bogs of Holland, and the High and Mighty States reigned in the Breast of the King in Possession. The King of England was Stadtholder of the United Provinces: And though a Prince of the Continent may be allowed Plurality of Dominions, yet past Experience has proved, that the Interest of this Island will no more permit the Sovereigns of it to possess Plurality of Realms, than the Christian Religion Plurality of Wives.