There can be no doubt but that the Form of Constitution of Governmt’ which has been established in all those Colonies which are under the immediate Government of the Crown, is in every respect the most advantageous to the State in gen’l, and would be the most eligible to the Colonies – for, altho’ it is too true that under this Form many Errors and unconstitutional Regulations and practices have taken place and prevailed, yet it is as true that these do not necessarily arise out of the form of Government itself, but from the Ignorance in some Cases of ill designs in other of those who have administred Government / under this Form. The late erected Colonies of Nova Scotia and Georgia1 exhibit a clear proof of the truth of this observation, in which the true Constitution, both in principle of practice, has been established and preserved by the great attention of Government at home to check all Irregularities and unnessary Deviations from the Constitution of the Mother Country in their Infancy, and by the prudence, moderation and good Sense of those who were early entrusted with the Administration of Governm’t upon the Spot.