The Revolution in the Government of Great Britain, or, as it is commonly called, the change of the British Ministers in the month of March 1782, is one of the most splendid epochs in the history of these islands. This important and critical change of Ministers, may, with great propriety, be called a Revolution. There is no other word in our language which so fully and properly expresses force, and extent of the late total defeat of Corruption and Usurpation. It is not less a Revolution of system and government, than that of 1688. The situation to which late Ministers had reduced the Country, left no alternative to King and People. To persevere was Ruin – to save must be Revolution. The American war gave birth also to the war with Holland; and eventually, to the armed confederacy of the Northern Powers, by which our enemies are supplied with naval stores, and our ships are prevented cruizing in the Baltic.