Feeling like revenants, the brothers began working once more in their familiar surroundings. Wilhelm enjoyed living on the ground floor where for the first time he could shake hands with friends through the window. Wilhelm’s children – the boys now at the Cassel Gymnasium – and Gustchen, a cheerful little girl, provided pleasant distraction, and with Dortchen’s health improving, routine was established at length. Fully aware of the many difficulties ahead, the Grimms began sifting the first material early in 1839. At the beginning of August 1840, most likely on the instigation of her husband, Frau von Savigny stopped in Cassel, on her way to Frankfurt. In recognition of the brothers’ untiring labour for German language and literature, the king desired to put them into a position where they could continue their work on the great dictionary in security, with the resources of Prussia’s capital at their disposal.