The rebels set about festooning walls and making sandwiches. Jimi Hendrix blared from a phonograph. It was a most eclectic uprising, and a most forensic one as well. The debates on and around the campus were endless. Rap Brown stood in the lobby of Hamilton Hall, reading a statement to the press. His followers stood around him, black and angry. The issue of university control raised by the radicals had stirred some of the more vocal faculty members into action. They arrived in force on Friday night, when it became known that police were preparing to move. A young French instructor was led away with a bleeding head. The administration backed down, licked its wounds, and waited. It played for time, and allowed the more militant faculty members to expend their energies on futile negotiations. The lounge at Philosophy Hall, which had been used by the ad hoc faculty committee as an informal senate, became a field hospital.