In established mouse fibroblast cell cultures, to study the effect of carcinogens, methyl cholanthrene at 1μg/ml of medium can be administered for a prolonged period. After induction of cancer in the body of the subject, cells are maintained in culture and chromosomes can be studied in them through the method outlined for the study of mammalian chromosomes. Most methods for cancer tissue explant culture are identical with those described for the study of mammalian chromosomes and tissue culture. Cancer represents an unchecked, malignant form of rapid growth, perpetuated through several cell generations and probably originating from several causes, both internal and external, including transformation by viruses. Several schedules for isolated single cells have been evolved but in general, single cell cultures of HeLa cells are easier to prepare than cultures of fibroblast cells. The potential of hybridizing mammalian cells in culture for the suppression of malignancy has been elucidated in the work of Harris et al.