Despite the anti-Semitism of his new country, WWI Lewin embraced the USA whole-heartedly and passionately set out to strengthen democracy and abroad in all of his activities. Lecturer at Yale International Congress of Psychology where he presents his film of his 18-month-old niece Hannah attempting to sit on a rock. Despite a language barrier, the film allowed Lewin to convey his concepts to stodgy audience, including that of forces in a field. As Marrow put it, Little Hannah had passed the stone many times before without wanting to sit on it. Alfred Marrow credits this effort as the foundation for Lewin's conceptualization of Action Research. The far-flung circles influencing and to greater degree influenced by Lewin continued to grow. According to Lewin, “The Center would educate research workers in theoretical and applied fields of group life and assist in training practitioners. Always working at an amazing pace, Lewin published many articles towards the end of his life.