Echinoids or sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) constitute a group of exclusively marine invertebrates inhabiting the intertidal down to the deep-sea trenches around the world. The sea urchins are found to adapt to changes in sea water carbon dioxide. There are three types of sea-urchins - the true Sea-urchins which are globular, Cake-urchins with almost circular and flattened bodies, and Heart-urchins shaped like a heart. Dried sea urchins enjoy a flourishing trade in the east coast of India. Most important species seen in the Tamil Nadu coast is the species Temnopleuratoreumaticus. Gonads of Sea urchin are also rich in valuable bioactive compounds, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and β-carotene. PUFAs, especially eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have significant preventive effects on arrhythmia, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Sea urchin is a tasty and highly nutritionally rich food with proteins and minerals. Sea urchins is a good source supply of vitamin C and A.