This chapter focuses on the deviancy of individuals who also happen to be bouncers, and do so in order to continue analysis of changing deviant cultural practice and adaptation. It explores the opportunities bouncers have to use their position and status to gain financially, this itself being a huge shift in deviant practice and opportunity in the area. Bouncers are, of course, generally large, muscular men, but this is not the only reason for drawing attention to them in relation to post-modernity. As Dubbert asserts, bodybuilding is a ‘primary masculinity-validating experience’, though the body is also a tool of ‘impression management’. Craft skills and traditional trades which have shaped images of masculinity may no longer be available to create viable gendered careers for men. In addition, unskilled employment opportunities have declined, along with the patriarchal base upon which recruitment, work practices, and neighbourhood ecology were grounded.