In principle, there are three forms of polygamy: polygyny, in which one man is married to several wives; polyandry, where one woman is married to several husbands; and group marriage, in which several husbands are married to several wives, i.e. some combination of polygyny and polyandry. An overview of the many peoples practising polygamy, in contemporary as in past societies, illustrates that majority of world’s cultures and religions have condoned some form of polygamy. For many of the societies described, polygamy used to be an integral part of their kinship systems, but modern times have brought streamlining of marriage patterns to all societies around world. Polygamy is faced by numerous economic, sociocultural and political challenges wherever it is practised today. Polygamy has become part of social and political discourse in contemporary societies. Research into polygamy, typically based on demographic surveys, has often been influenced by Western family norms that do not leave much room for non-Western family forms.