The Kayabi, like the majority of lowland peoples, have undergone dramatic shifts in population, changes that involved forming new relations among themselves as well as with others. The governor is quoted, for example, as saying that Prepori is the only legitimate Kayabi or even Tupi-speaking shaman. The Kayabi in the Xingu Park were relocated from territories far to the west of the park from the 1950s through the 1990s. In negotiating interethnic relations at the national level, this generalization of a point of view is often coupled with requests and expectations by non-indigenous Brazilians that shamans demonstrate "Kayabi culture" or the uniqueness of Kayabi perspectives and experiences. Laura Graham found an even more complete identification with mythic ancestors in the ritual reenactment and narration of dreams among the Ge-speaking Xavante of central Brazil. In the ritual event she focused on, one elder recounted his dreams about interacting with and receiving songs from the mythical "first creators.".