An emphasis on the plurality of gender models which replaces a binary gender system, stresses differences amongst, rather than solely between, men and women. This chapter critiques the existing literature on gender in Andalusia to develop a perspective on Andalusian gender-relations which accounts for diversity, subjectivity, the body and experience. If 'gender hierarchy' is to be maintained as a useful concept in anthropology it is surely more instrumentally defined as one which is contextual and subject to reorganisation, rather than an idea which is static and based solely on sexual difference. Reputations can change in different contexts, as they are subjectively defined in relation to different discourses. In contemporary Andalusia reputation and prestige are not measured according to universal criteria concerning sexual behaviour. Different groups of consensus refer to different models of sexual behaviour. Andalusian gender ideologies do not categorically render women bullfighters unnatural, inappropriate, or morally wrong.