“Background of High-Power Piezoelectrics” describes the necessity of loss mechanism clarification in order to develop high-energy density piezoelectric components for the portable electronic devices. Keys to high-power piezoelectric developments include: (1) low-loss piezoelectric materials, (2) multilayer technology, and (3) high-power supply/drive circuit. This book focuses on high-power density “actuator” developments, not on low-power “sensor” applications. In this text book, we starts from the loss phenomenology, and propose typical high-power characterization methods. Then, current high-power piezoelectric materials and drive/operation schemes are introduced. In the latter part of this book, semi-microscopic loss mechanisms are discussed, based on the domain dynamics models, followed by some know-how on commercialization. Note that the “high-power piezoelectrics” in this textbook does not mean high absolute power devices (kW, MW), but “high-power density”, 10–100 MW/m3 in practice.