This book provides a critical analysis of the enforcement regime for breach of directors’ duties in sub-Saharan Africa. Focusing on Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and Tanzania, it interrogates the current ‘state of play’ regarding the enforcement of directors’ duties in sub-Saharan African countries.

The book examines the effectiveness of enforcement, the reasons for its successes or failures and how it might be improved in these countries. Finally, taking into consideration the specific socio-cultural context of the countries in question, it offers persuasive and practical avenues for reform.

This book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners of comparative corporate law and corporate governance in Africa.

part I|72 pages

The Theoretical Framework

chapter 21|18 pages

Background to Study

Agency Problem and Agency Costs

chapter 2|27 pages

Enforcement of Corporate Law

Justification and Theoretical Underpinnings

chapter 3|25 pages


Role, Powers, and Duties

part II|116 pages

Enforcement of Directors' Duties in Sub-Saharan Africa

chapter 6|22 pages

Weaknesses and Shortcomings of Private Enforcement

Sub-Saharan Africa

chapter 7|20 pages

Enforcement Practices from Outside the Continent

The UK and Australian Case Study

chapter 8|20 pages

Fixing the Leaking Roof of Enforcement in Sub-Saharan Africa

A Case for Public Enforcement