As the only text on the market for Sport and Exercise Medicine objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), this is an invaluable guide for those studying sport and exercise medicine and sitting examinations. Whilst specifically targeted at the OSCE, this book will have much wider appeal throughout the clinical setting.

Sport and Exercise Medicine is a new and developing specialty and there has been a rapid increase in the number of universities offering MSc degrees in Sport and Exercise Medicine and more candidates year on the year sitting the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) diploma exam. It is a niche specialty, with very little content taught at an undergraduate level, therefore knowing the material that is examined is often challenging compared with other specialties. This book provides the content to fill that need. The book is divided into sections based on the main topics that arise in sport and exercise medicine OSCEs, with both core knowledge and practical tips to ensure a fluid and confident performance by the examinee in every station.

A wide range of readers will benefit from this book, including those about to sit a postgraduate examination in sport and exercise medicine or those enrolled in a postgraduate certificate or master’s course in the specialty. It will also be useful to doctors and allied healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, sports therapists, podiatrists and nurses, as well as undergraduate students. Further, the young clinician who is just starting out and wants to build their confidence in musculoskeletal assessment and presenting to seniors will gain much from reading this book.

part A|20 pages

History and examination and clinical cases

chapter 62|18 pages

History and examination

part |72 pages

Clinical cases

chapter 263|8 pages

Shoulder and upper limb

chapter 4|3 pages

Elbow and forearm

chapter 5|7 pages

Hand and wrist

chapter 6|8 pages


chapter 7|8 pages

Hip and groin

chapter 8|11 pages

Knee and leg

chapter 9|8 pages

Foot and ankle

part B|50 pages

Communication stations

chapter 9811|14 pages

Medical presentations in athletes

chapter 12|6 pages

Clinical management stations

chapter 13|11 pages

Clinical communication and ethics

chapter 15|9 pages

Team and event medicine

part C|46 pages


chapter 14816|12 pages

Medical emergencies

chapter 17|7 pages


chapter 18|25 pages
