Cognition is usually associated with brain activity. Undoubtedly, some brain activity is necessary for it to function. However, the last thirty years have revolutionized the way we intend and think about cognition. These developments allow us to think of cognition as distributed in the sense that it needs tools, artifacts, objects, and other external entities to allow the brain to operate properly. Organizational Cognition: The Theory of Social Organizing takes this perspective and applies it to the organization by introducing a model that defines the elements that allow cognition to work. This model shows that cognition needs the combined and simultaneous presence of micro aspects—i.e. the biological individual—and macro super-structural elements—e.g. organizational climate, culture, norms, values, rules. These two become practice of cognition as they materialize in a meso domain—this is any action that allows individuals to perform their daily duties. Due to the micro-meso-macro interactions, this has been called the 3M Model. Most of what happens in the meso domain relates to exchanges between two or more people, i.e. it is a social activity. This is usually mentioned in the perspectives above, but it is rarely explored.

By bringing meso activities to the center of cognition, the book develops and presents the Theory of Social Organizing. Not only this is useful to organizational scholars, but it also opens a new path for cognition research.

part 1|51 pages

Theoretical framework

chapter 2|20 pages

Changing practices

Using the 3M model to engineer change

chapter 4|15 pages

Computational revival

Why and how computation is still relevant to the study of cognition

part 2|212 pages

Practice and applications

chapter 5|28 pages

Reflections on social organizing

chapter 7|25 pages

Organization-cognition fit

Supplementing or complementing team's capabilities?

chapter 8|23 pages

Thinking, faster and slower

Towarda dynamic view of organizational cognition

chapter 9|30 pages

A dynamic view of organizing

An integrative approach

chapter 11|26 pages

Sociotechnical dilemmas in healthcare

A cognitive ethnography

chapter 12|20 pages

Cognitive cross-over

Implications for a theory of social organizing

chapter 13|22 pages

Enacting ontological design

A vocabulary of change from organisms to organizations

part 3|23 pages

Reflections and perspectives