Is political equality viable when a capitalist economy unequally distributes private property? This book examines the nexus between wealth and politics and asks how institutions and citizens should respond to it.

Theories of democracy and property have often ignored the ways in which the rich attempt to convert their wealth into political power, implicitly assuming that politics is isolated from economic forces. This book brings the moral and political links between wealth and power into clear focus. The chapters are divided into three thematic sections. Part I analyses wealth and politics from the perspective of various political traditions, such as liberalism, republicanism, anarchism, and Marxism. Part II addresses the economic sphere, and looks at the political influence of corporations, philanthropists, and commons-based organisations. Finally, Part III turns to the political sphere and looks at the role of political parties and constitutions, and phenomena such as corruption and lobbying.

Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in political philosophy, political science, economics, and law.

chapter 1|22 pages


The Wealth-Power Nexus
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part I|102 pages

Theoretical Orientations

chapter 242|22 pages

What about Ethos?

Republican Institutions, Oligarchic Democracy, and Norms of Political Equality
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chapter 5|19 pages

Private Wealth and Political Domination

A Marxian Approach
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chapter 6|21 pages

Anarchism and Redistribution

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part II|102 pages

Power in the Economic Sphere

chapter 1267|18 pages

Why Does Worker Participation Matter?

Three Considerations in Favour of Worker Participation in Corporate Governance
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chapter 8|21 pages

Taming the Corporate Leviathan

How to Properly Politicise Corporate Purpose?
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chapter 10|20 pages

Economic Power and Democratic Forbearance

The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility and Philanthropy
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chapter 11|21 pages

Independence in the Commons

How Group Ownership Realises Basic Non-Domination
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part III|110 pages

Wealth and Democratic Institutions

chapter 22812|23 pages

Hidden in Plain Sight

How Lobby Organisations Undermine Democracy
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chapter 13|22 pages

No Money, No Party

The Role of Political Parties in Electoral Campaigns
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