The 2008 financial crisis, the rise of Trumpism, and the other populist movements which have followed in their wake have grown out of the frustrations of those hurt by the economic policies advocated by conventional economists for generations. Despite this, textbooks remain frozen in time, continuing to uphold traditional policies as though nothing has happened.

Foundations of Real-World Economics demonstrates how misleading it can be to apply oversimplified models of perfect competition to the real world. The math works well on college blackboards but not so well on the Main Streets of America. This volume explores the realities of oligopolies, the real impact of the minimum wage, the double-edged sword of free trade, and other ways in which powerful institutions cause distortions in mainstream models. Bringing together the work of key scholars like Kahneman, Minsky, and Schumpeter, this textbook takes into consideration the inefficiencies that arise when the perfectly competitive model is applied to the real world dominated by multinational oligopolies. The third edition has been updated throughout, bringing in new material on the financial crises, the rise of populism, racism, inequality, climate change, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

A must-have for students studying the principles of economics as well as micro- and macroeconomics, this textbook redresses the existing imbalance in economic teaching as John Komlos focuses on the paradigm of humanistic economics.

chapter 1|18 pages

Welcome to Real-World Economics

chapter 2|25 pages

The Evidence

Markets Are Neither Omniscient Nor Omnipotent

chapter 3|20 pages

The Nature of Demand

chapter 4|23 pages

Homo Oeconomicus Is Extinct

The Foundations of Behavioral Economics

chapter 5|17 pages

Taste-Makers and Consumption

chapter 6|19 pages

Oligopolies and Imperfect Competition

chapter 7|35 pages

Returns to the Factors of Production

chapter 10|19 pages

What Is Macroeconomics?

chapter 11|21 pages

Macroeconomics Part II

chapter 12|19 pages

Macroeconomics Part III

chapter 13|13 pages

The Tsunami of Globalization

chapter 14|34 pages

The Financial Crisis of 2008

chapter 18|16 pages


Toward a Capitalism with a Human Face