The sources in this volume focus on Great Britain’s moral, financial, and diplomatic interventions and ambitions in Latin America. It begins during the wars of independence spanning 1810-1825, when Foreign Secretary George Canning prematurely declared, "Spanish America is free; and if we do not mismanage our affairs sadly, she is English." The independence movements of the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies, as well as their ancient past, inspired Romantic writers such as Anna Letitia Barbauld and spurred British military support and political debate, as attested by mercenary Richard Vowell’s Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela and James Mill's "Emancipation of Spanish America."

part 1|99 pages

Poetry and Drama

chapter 3|11 pages

The Missionary: A Poem, Excerpt

chapter 9|15 pages

A Tale of Paraguay, Excerpts

part 2|138 pages

Military Interventions and Adventures

chapter 10|9 pages

‘Secret Paper on South America’

chapter 14|10 pages

Memoirs of Gregor M'Gregor, Excerpt

chapter 22|8 pages

Memoirs of General Miller, EXCERPT

part 3|115 pages

Diplomacy and Politics

chapter 29|8 pages

Colombia: Its Present State, Excerpt

chapter 33|11 pages

‘Dr. Francia’, Excerpts