Asia continues to ascend as an economic powerhouse and a strategic priority for business leaders around the world, yet there is often limited understanding of the human capital systems that fuel the economic engines of the region. This book brings together the perspectives from economics, sociology, and management to highlight the business implications of human capital development in Asia.

This book provides new insights on human capital systems in Asia by considering the country context through a 'Human Capital Ecosystem' framework. Applying this framework, constituent outline, and comparable points across each of the countries in Asia, Smith translates national policies into insights on the drivers, challenges, and opportunities in individual countries. Each chapter also draws out clear business and HR implications based on the above framework and analysis.

While Asia continues to be a critical priority for businesses, there is limited understanding on how to manage and navigate the human capital systems in each of the region’s diverse countries. This book will serve as a helpful reference for managers or supplemental study guide for graduate students working to understand how to execute business strategy in major economies of Asia.

chapter 1|11 pages


chapter 2|20 pages

National Human Capital Ecosystems

chapter 3|26 pages


Riding the Population Decline

chapter 4|23 pages

South Korea

The Power of Family

chapter 5|26 pages


Planning Amidst Jugaad

chapter 6|29 pages


Connections at Scale

chapter 7|28 pages

Hong Kong and Taiwan

Asian Tigers

chapter 8|19 pages


The Mighty Red Dot

chapter 9|23 pages

The Philippines

Archipelago in Transition

chapter 10|21 pages


Results with Smiles

chapter 11|20 pages


New Growth Systems

chapter 12|24 pages


The Emerald of the Equator

chapter 13|22 pages


Slowing the Brain Drain

chapter 14|12 pages

Asia's Human Capital Futures