This volume brings together established and emerging scholars from academia and think tanks to reflect on important, conceptual, strategic and developmental issues in India’s national security. It provides a comprehensive understanding of national security through a more open approach, covering both traditional and non-traditional concerns that have a bearing on the survival and well-being of humanity. It discusses key themes such as perceptions about China, civil-military relations, gender and military, nuclear safety, arms trade and cybersecurity, human security, food and water security, soft power and the media's role in covering security issues. As a festschrift for Commodore C. Uday Bhaskar, it highlights and adds to his scholarly contributions to the national security debate in the country for the past three decades.

A unique contribution, this volume will be indispensable for students and researchers of politics and international relations, national security, human security, geopolitics, non-traditional security, military and strategic studies, and South Asian studies.

part |74 pages

Conceptual issues

part |74 pages

Hard Security Issues

chapter 7|14 pages

Nuclear security in India

The need for proactivism

chapter 8|12 pages

Challenges to India's security

The nuclear dimension

chapter 9|19 pages

Arms trade and national security

An Indian perspective

chapter 10|15 pages

India's cybersecurity

Concepts and policies

part |142 pages

Developmental Issues

chapter 11|16 pages

Human security discourse in India

Contest, convergence and practice

chapter 12|16 pages

Food security in India

chapter 13|12 pages

Tough times ahead

India's economic security

chapter 15|21 pages

Disaster management and national security

Impact of COVID-19

chapter 17|13 pages

Environmental security in India

chapter 18|14 pages

Soft power and national security

A study of Indian policy in Afghanistan

chapter 19|15 pages

Media and national security

part |40 pages

C. Uday Bhaskar