This book examines interreligious dialogue in Europe and how interreligious encounters are framed, expressed and practised. Throughout Europe religious identities have increasingly become significant categories within debates on migration, cohesion, diversity and belonging. By focusing on the spatialities, materialities and practices of interreligious dialogues and encounters, the volume sheds light on the heterogeneous domains where the visibility and inclusion of religious and cultural differences are currently negotiated and contested. The chapters draw on social science perspectives and include a range of empirical case studies from a variety of European settings. The contributions (a) shed light on the subjectivities, relations and modes of behaviour produced, negotiated and contested in and through locally embedded interreligious encounters and dialogue-oriented practices, (b) observe the power dynamics that shape those practices and encounters and (c) discuss their implications for the place(s) of religion in the public sphere. Overall the book contributes to a better understanding of how cultural, religious and political identities are reconfigured across Europe.

chapter |20 pages


The Sites, Materialities and Practices of Interreligious Encounters in Europe

part I|73 pages

The Sites of Interreligious Encounters

chapter 1|20 pages

Spatializing Interreligious Practice

Interreligious Place-making in a German Metropolitan Area

chapter 2|28 pages

Community and Interfaith Dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Searching for ‘mjesto susreta’

chapter 3|23 pages

Provincializing Dialogue

Post-secular Governance Networks and the Brokerage of Religious Diversity in a North German Town 1

part II|80 pages

The Materialities of Interreligious Encounters

chapter 4|22 pages

Architectures of Tolerance

Muslims, Alevis and the Impossible Promise of Berlin's House of One

chapter 5|27 pages

The Materiality and Aesthetics of the City in Dialogue

The Case of the Day of Islam in the Catholic Church in Poland

chapter 6|29 pages

The Affective Machines of Dialogue

Materializations of Identities/Differences in the Assemblages of an Exhibition About Everyday Muslim Life

part III|60 pages

The Practices of Interreligious Encounters

chapter 7|17 pages

Dialogic Art

The Photographer Peter Sanders on Promoting Understanding

chapter 9|17 pages

Atmospheric Encounters

Interfaith Dialogue in a Multifaith Neighbourhood of Copenhagen