When used in India, the term Kala pani refers to the cellular jail in Port Blair, where the British colonisers sent a select category of freedom fighters. In the diaspora it refers to the transoceanic migration of indentured labour from India to plantation colonies across the globe from the mid-19th century onwards.

This volume discusses the legacies of indenture in the Caribbean, Reunion, Mauritius, and Fiji, and how they still imbue our present. More importantly, it draws attention to India and raises new questions: doesn’t one need, at some stage, to wonder why this forgotten chapter of Indian history needs to be retrieved? How is it that this history is better known outside India than in India itself? What are the advantages of shining a torch onto a history that was made invisible? Why have the tribulations of the old diaspora been swept under the carpet at a time when the successes of the new diaspora have been foregrounded? What do we stand to gain from resurrecting these histories in the early 21st century and from shifting our perspectives?

A key volume on Indian diaspora, modern history, indentured labour, and the legacy of indentureship, this co-edited collection of essays examines these questions largely through the frame of important works of literature and cinema, folk songs, and oral tales, making it an artistic enquiry of the past and of the present. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of world history, especially labour history, literature, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, diaspora studies, sociology and social anthropology, Indian Ocean studies, and South Asian studies.

chapter |16 pages


Kala pani crossings: India in conversation

part I|74 pages

Shifting the Gaze

chapter 2|20 pages

Moving Beyond the Memory Question

Narratives of South Asian indenture, global memory capitalism, and its discontents

chapter 3|11 pages

Connected Literatures and Histories Across Kala Pani

Perspectives from India

chapter 5|17 pages

The ‘Terror’ of Kala Pani

A colonial myth?

part II|58 pages

Across the Oceans

chapter 6|14 pages

Caste Travelling Across the Kala Pani

The case of the unborn V. S. Naipaul

chapter 8|14 pages

‘I will Survive on a Seer of Saag the Full Year’

Uncovering women's work, belonging and the aftermath of Kala pani in select Bidesia songs

chapter 9|14 pages

A Passage to Mauritius

The ebb and flow of Kala pani in Hindustani cinema

part III|73 pages

Re-Imagining the Kala Pani Narrative

chapter 10|15 pages

Coolie Life-Writing and its Shifting Locations

Narrativising Kala pani within the nation and in the diaspora

chapter 11|14 pages

Pioneers across Kala Pani

Reading Girmitiyas in Ramabai Espinet's The Swinging Bridge, Gaiutra Bahadur's Coolie Woman and Totaram Sanadya's Twenty-One Years in the Fiji Islands

chapter 12|16 pages

Exilic Trajectories of Crossing the Kala Pani

Locating female subjectivity in the writings of Ramabai Espinet and Gaiutra Bahadur

chapter 13|12 pages

Retrieving the History of Coolie Women

Historiography, research and the role of agencies in Ramabai Espinet's The Swinging Bridge and Peggy Mohan's Jahajin

chapter 14|14 pages

The Politics of Representation and the Interface of Sycorax and the Snake Woman

A study of Olive Senior's ‘Arrival of the Snake-Woman’