This book is the first systematic China-based study on connectivity cooperation between China and Europe. It is packed with discussion of scholars not just from China, but also from Central and Eastern Europe on the origin and paradigm of China–European connectivity from a range of different perspectives.

As a result of intensive coordination efforts, the study, co-edited by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Serbia, aims at providing analyses of greater links between China and European countries heading into the future. Furthermore, this Cooperation is used as a special research case to showcase cooperation between China and Europe along with its achievements and challenges. This collection of essays is the fruit of extensive transnational efforts and will be a valuable resource for all those working in the areas of International Relations and Political Science with a focus on China and Europe.

part I|86 pages

Overview of connectivity cooperation between China and Europe

part II|82 pages

Forms of connectivity cooperation between China and Europe

chapter 6|17 pages

The soft connectivity between China and Europe

Commons and divergences on sustainable development

chapter 7|24 pages

The “Dual Circulation” strategy

China's response to declining international economic connectivity 1

chapter 8|17 pages

Chinese cultural diplomacy and BRI

View from the establishment of China cultural centers

chapter 9|22 pages

Digital economy connectivity in China and Europe

Status and prospects

part III|104 pages

Cases of connectivity cooperation between China and Europe

chapter 10|21 pages

Connectivity between China and Europe

The successful experience of Zhejiang

chapter 11|24 pages

Connectivity cooperation between regional China and Europe

The integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta as an opportunity for Europe

chapter 12|21 pages

Economic connectivity within the BRI

China and the Western Balkans

chapter 13|18 pages

The BRI and Southeast Europe 6

Connectivity, peace growth, and “debt trap diplomacy”

chapter 14|18 pages

Connecting the dots

Can the EU and China cooperate in the Western Balkans?