First published in 1931, the original blurb reads: "A practical handbook for those who are engaged in teaching elementary biology (Nature Study) to children of 10-13 years. Part I is devoted to general methods of teaching the subject. Part II consists of subject matter suitable for lessons, together with suggestions as to practical work and classroom procedure." It was hoped that this work would help the move away from the tradition, still prevalent at the time, where observation of minute details and absence of associated physiological work left the children with little interest in the subject. This book would contribute to a type of teaching where more regard was paid to the ‘livingness’ of the organism, resulting in the deepening of the pupil’s enjoyment of the beauty of animate nature. Today it can be read in its historical context.

part I|65 pages

General Principles and Methods

part II|174 pages

Notes of Lessons and Special Methods

chapter Section A|25 pages

Autumnal Studies

chapter Section B|44 pages

Winter Studies

chapter Section C|65 pages

Spring Studies

chapter Section D|40 pages

Summer Studies