This book presents the Human Factors methodologies and applications thereof that can be utilised across the design, modelling and evaluation stages of the design lifecycle of new technologies entering future commercial aircraft.

As advances are made to the architecture of commercial aircraft cockpits, Human Factors on the Flight Deck argues that it is vitally important that these new interfaces are safely incorporated and designed in a way that is usable to the pilot. Incorporation of Human Factors is essential to ensuring that engineering developments to avionic systems are integrated such that pilots can maintain safe interactions while gaining information of value. Case study examples of various technological advancements during their early conceptual stages are given throughout to highlight how the methods and processes can be applied across each stage.

The text will be useful for professionals, graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of aviation, Human Factors and ergonomics.

chapter 1|10 pages

Introduction to Human Factors in Aviation

chapter 3|19 pages

Human Factors Measures and Methods 1

chapter 4|12 pages

Defining Usability Criteria

chapter 5|6 pages

The Design Process

chapter 6|20 pages

Design Requirements

chapter 7|15 pages

Design Generation

chapter 8|22 pages

Design Modelling

chapter 9|25 pages

Design Evaluation

chapter 10|10 pages
