This book discusses how societies, groups and individuals remember and make sense of global neoliberal change in Eastern Europe. Such an investigation is all the more timely as the 1990s are increasingly looked to for answers explaining the populist and nationalist turn across the globe.

The volume shows how the key processes that impacted many lives across the social spectrum in Eastern Europe, such as deindustrialization, privatization, restitution and abrupt social reorganization, are collectively remembered across society today and how memory narratives of the 1990s contribute to current identities and political climate. This volume establishes the memory of economic transformation as a research focus in its own right. It investigates different levels of memory, from the national through the local to the cultural, analysing key myths of the transformation, giving special recognition to the social space and vernacular memories of the transformation period and reflecting on how the changes of the 1990s are mediated in cultural representations.

Given the book’s interdisciplinary scope that covers several fields, it will prove to be of interest to those working in memory studies, contemporary history, sociology, East European area studies and literary and film studies. It will also serve as a significant point of reference for those researching the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding field of transformation studies and thus is an invaluable source across different fields.

chapter 1|18 pages

Neoliberalism, Eastern Europe and collective memory

Setting the framework

part I|93 pages

Founding myths and counter-narratives of the transformation

chapter 2|18 pages

Shock therapy mythologies

Contested memories of Poland's Balcerowicz Plan

chapter 3|20 pages

A recurring bone of contention

The memory politics of Slovakia's economic transformation

chapter 4|18 pages

From communism to neoliberalism

Conflated memories of Bulgaria's corrupted transition

chapter 6|19 pages

Regimes of truth and the discontent of memories

Self-deception and denial during the growing together of the two Germanies

part II|86 pages

Vernacular memories and biographical narratives

chapter 7|17 pages

Economic change, skills and the shifting horizons of social recognition

East German and Czech care workers remember the disruptive 1990s

chapter 8|17 pages

‘The lost years’

Gender, citizenship and economic change in Romania during the long 1990s

chapter 9|15 pages

‘There was no more work, no more life, no more anything…’

Hungarian workers' memories of the neoliberal transition

part III|109 pages

Cultural memory of economic change

chapter 13|13 pages

Screening the criminal underworld of capitalist nation-state making

Dogs and memory of the 1990s in Poland

chapter 14|17 pages

The moral right to economic crime

Remembering the Russian 1990s in a tragic mode in Aleksey Ivanov's Nasty Weather (Nenast'ye)

chapter 15|17 pages

Films without a viewer

Ukrainian filmmakers and memory of the neoliberal turn in the post-Soviet space

chapter 16|18 pages

The German ‘floating gap’

Post-unification memory in literary fiction

chapter 17|15 pages

‘We're rushing towards capitalism like the Titanic towards a fucking iceberg’

Representations of East German (social) transformation in films and TV series from the 2000s until today