The Internet of Things (IoT) has numerous applications, including smart cities, industries, cloud-based apps, smart homes, and surveillance.

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables smarter living by connecting devices, people, and objects. As networking became a crucial aspect of the Internet, rigorous design analysis led to the development of new research areas.

The Internet of Things has revolutionized daily living in countless ways. It enables communication between buildings, people, portable gadgets, and vehicles, facilitating mobility. Smart cities and cloud-based data have transformed corporate practices. With billions of connected gadgets, everything will soon be able to communicate remotely. IoT networks, whether public or private, rely significantly on machine learning and software-defined networking. Indian and other governments have approved various research projects on IoT-based networking technologies. This field of study will significantly impact society in the future.

Researchers are concerned about the many application areas and driving forces behind smart cities. The authors aim to provide insights into software-defined networking, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies used in IoT and networking. The framework focuses on practical applications and infrastructures. The book includes practical challenges, case studies, innovative concepts, and other factors that impact the development of realistic scenarios for smart surveillance. It also highlights innovative technology, designs, and algorithms that can accelerate the creation of smart city concepts.

This resource includes real-world applications and case studies for smart city technology, enormous data management, and machine learning prediction, all with confidentiality and safety problems.

chapter 1|20 pages

Transforming Urban Spaces and Industries

The Power of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Smart Cities, Smart Industries, and Smart Homes

chapter 3|22 pages

Named Data Networking

Content-Based Routing—Architecture, Challenges, and Applications

chapter 6|17 pages

Blockchain Revolution

Using Distributed Ledger Technology to Transform Healthcare in WSN-IoT Environment

chapter 7|15 pages

Blockchain in Internet of Medical Things

Insights on Healthcare Systems

chapter 12|23 pages

Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT Revolutionizing Healthcare

Advancements, Applications, and Future Directions