This treatment guide allows clinicians to effectively integrate dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as a psychological treatment with men who have committed sexually motivated offenses.

It provides clinicians with the most current, evidence-based research about sex offenders' risks and treatment needs, and draws upon the therapeutic techniques of DBT and cognitive behavioural therapy. This guide is divided into five parts that provide practical, evidence-based skills for clients to apply to their lives and reduce their likelihood of recidivism. It explores numerous skill sets that target all major areas of dysregulation commonly seen among men who have committed sexual offences. Worksheets, images, group discussion ideas, and role-play scenarios are used throughout to help clients practice their skills within the group setting and on their own.

This guide is essential for all mental health professionals who work with men who have committed sexual crimes.

chapter |12 pages


part I|69 pages

Introduction to Skills Training and Mindfulness

part II|60 pages

Sexual Regulation Skills

chapter 6|14 pages

CALM and CLASP Skills

chapter 7|19 pages

Thinking Errors and Risk Factors

chapter 8|14 pages

Understanding My Offence

part III|50 pages

Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

part IV|41 pages

Emotion Regulation Skills

chapter 13|7 pages

Empathy 1

part V|42 pages

Distress Tolerance Skills

chapter 16|16 pages

Coping Ahead

STOP and CABB Skills