Some goods are freely traded as commodities without question or controversy. For other goods, their commodification – their being made available in exchange for money, or their being subject to market valuation and exchange – is hotly contested. “Contested” commodities range from labour and land, to votes, healthcare, and education, to human organs, gametes, and intimate services, to parks and emissions. But in the context of a market economy, what distinguishes these goods as non-commodifiable, or what defines them as contestable commodities? And why should their status as such justify restricting the market choices of rationally consenting parties to otherwise voluntary exchanges?

This volume draws together wide-ranging, interdisciplinary research on the legitimate scope of markets and the kinds of goods that should be exempt therefrom. In bringing diverse answers to this question together for the first time, it finally identifies commodification studies as a unique field of scholarly research in its own right. In so doing, it fosters interdisciplinary dialogue, advances scholarship, and enhances education in this controversial, important, and growing field of research. Contemporary theorists who examine this question do so from across the disciplinary spectrum and ground their answers in diverse scholarly literature and divergent methodological approaches. Their arguments will be of interest to scholars and students of philosophy, economics, law, political science, sociology, policy, feminist theory, and ecology, among others.

The contributors to this volume take diverse and divergent positions on the benefits of markets in general and on the possible harms of specific contested markets in particular. While some favour free markets and others regulation or prohibition, and while some engage in more normative and others in more empirical analysis, the contributors all advance nuanced and thoughtful arguments that engage deeply with the complex set of moral and empirical questions at the heart of commodification studies. This volume collects their new and provocative work together for the first time.

chapter |21 pages


Contested markets and commodification studies

part 1|82 pages

Commodification studies

chapter 1|12 pages


The traditional pro-market arguments 1

chapter 2|15 pages

Classical anti-commodification arguments

Commodification and fictitious commodities – Polanyi's decisive contribution

chapter 3|20 pages

Contemporary anti-commodification arguments

Market failures – Identifying contested markets without morals? An analysis of the externality argument for inalienability

chapter 4|20 pages

Contemporary anti-commodification arguments

Corruption, inequality, and justice 1

part 2|65 pages

A history of contested commodities

chapter 6|13 pages


Land as commodity—A history of a problem

chapter 7|14 pages

Usury and simony

Trading for no price – Thomas Aquinas on money loans, sacraments and exchange

chapter 8|12 pages


From disguised servitude to limited servitude—A history of the social incorporation of the commodification of work

chapter 9|12 pages


Using the market to regulate practices

chapter 10|12 pages


part 3|79 pages

Contested commodities and the state

chapter 12|13 pages

Health care

chapter 13|14 pages


Commodification and schools 1

chapter 14|12 pages

Security and prisons

chapter 15|14 pages

Cultural goods

Cultural commodification and cultural appropriation

chapter 16|12 pages

Care work

Revaluing care through partial decommodification—In praise of unpaid care from all

part 4|83 pages

The body and intimacy as contested commodities

chapter 17|9 pages

Human organs

chapter 18|16 pages

Blood and plasma

Or, if you're such an altruist, why don't you sell your plasma?

chapter 19|12 pages


Commodification and the fertility industry

chapter 20|13 pages

Contract sex

chapter 21|18 pages


The ethics of paid surrogacy

chapter 22|13 pages


A mosaic of market and non-market elements

part 5|92 pages

Non-human nature and environment as contested commodities

chapter 23|14 pages

Natural capital and biodiversity

Money, markets and offsets

chapter 24|12 pages

Emissions trading

Commodification of pollution—From resistance to proliferation

chapter 25|13 pages


Ecosystem services and the commodification of nature

chapter 26|14 pages


Distributive justice and the commodification of water

chapter 27|12 pages


Ending cruelty through markets

chapter 28|15 pages


Commodification, decommodification and commoning

chapter 29|10 pages

Parks and forests

The question of the commons