This volume explores the processes of investigating cultures of equality and sets out an epistemological framework for generating a more just and response-able knowledge. It offers a tapestry of inventive, self-reflexive, collective, and situated praxis of conducting politically informed research. Such efforts contest—or occasionally reinvent—the social and cultural worlds that we currently inhabit, in an attempt at building cultures of equality across different locations and contexts. The book engages with the idea of producing knowledge with others, indicating the political potential of scientific practice and offering a view of knowledge as a collective affective-intellectual effort. It provides an inventory of creative engagements with concepts and methodologies enabling production of socially responsible knowledges. By critically exploring new possibilities of scientific inquiry, the contributors reflect on how knowledge can be generated to serve the political agenda of movements for equality and social justice. The chapters also elucidate different conceptualisations of and approaches to who the researcher is and how they interact with cultural and social worlds.

chapter 1|21 pages

Investigating Cultures of Equality

Relationality at Work in Situated Research

chapter 2|20 pages

The Relationality of Knowing

From Economies of Care to Epistemic Justice

chapter 4|19 pages

(Re)situating More-than-human Knowledge

Material Entanglements in Laura Gustafsson and Terike Happoja's Museum of Nonhumanity and Helena Hunter's Falling Birds

chapter 5|18 pages

Connecting Knowledge Production and Praxis

Circulation, Cooperative Constellations, and Collective Learning in Training for Gender Equality

chapter 6|22 pages

‘Bugs’, ‘Broken Binaries’, and Malware

Investigating Gender and the Human in Science Fiction's Depictions of Technological Malfunction

chapter 8|14 pages

Female Masculinities in South Africa

Negotiations Around Belonging

chapter 9|21 pages

Im/possible Pathways

The Politics of Place and Decolonial Cartographies in the Global South

chapter 10|19 pages

On the Shore

Autoethnography and Reflexivity from a Black Feminist and Decolonial Perspective