To help researchers, educators and policy makers understand and support the development of 21st-century skills in schools, this edited volume explores the various iterations of "soft" skills with a particular focus on their implications for values and evaluates ways in which "soft skills" and "hard" values can be integrated.

Discourse throughout the 21st century has focused on the changing nature of work, the need for new skill sets and the disruptive effects of new technologies. This has been a neo-liberal discourse that subordinated personal and individual needs to the needs of a productive workforce delivering more and more efficiencies linked to higher and higher profits. The solution is often seen to be in the development of a school curriculum that focuses on work-ready skills for an increasingly complex work environment and its demands. Agencies such as OECD and UNESCO highlight the need to link the skills agenda with complementary values. Yet this process is at a very early stage. The proponents of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for example highlight the impact of new technologies, not just on work but also on the social world. Yet they neglect to explore the values that would be needed in these new disruptive environments.

This book takes up that issue and lays out the multiple value systems that are available for this new 21st century world. It is an important resource for policy makers, academics and teachers with responsibility for a new generation.

part I|49 pages

Soft skills and their stories

chapter 1|16 pages

Skills agendas in the 21st century

Understanding the stories

chapter 2|18 pages

Green economies, green values

Story for the times

chapter 3|13 pages

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Humanoids, humanity and agency

part II|146 pages

Values for a better world

chapter 4|18 pages

Future stories

Narrative, values and the management of radical uncertainty

chapter 5|22 pages

Global citizenship education

Searching for global cohesion

chapter 6|19 pages

Inclusive education

Equal opportunities for all

chapter 7|21 pages

Life and values education

Beyond the self

chapter 9|15 pages

Education for sustainable development

Experiences from a Tree Assessment for Life Education (TALE) project in Hong Kong

chapter 10|16 pages

Media and information literacy

Evaluating misinformation and fake news in a complex world

chapter 11|17 pages

Learning to live together

The hidden curriculum

part III|15 pages

Integrating skills and values

chapter 12|13 pages

Constructing the future

Integrating values and skills to meet the challenges of a precarious world