This book provides an overview of research on the production of bioethanol fuels from waste feedstocks such as second-generation residual sugar and starch feedstocks, food waste, industrial waste, urban waste, forestry waste, and lignocellulosic biomass at large with 17 chapters. In this context, there are eight sections where the first two chapters cover the production of bioethanol fuels from waste feedstocks at large.

This book is the fourth volume in the Handbook of Bioethanol Fuels (Six-Volume Set). It shows that pretreatments and hydrolysis of the waste feedstocks, fermentation of hydrolysates, and separation and distillation of bioethanol fuels are the fundamental processes for bioethanol fuel production from these waste feedstocks.

This book is a valuable resource for stakeholders primarily in research fields of energy and fuels, chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, agricultural sciences, food science and engineering, materials science, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, plant sciences, water resources, economics, business and management, transportation science and technology, ecology, public, environmental and occupational health, social sciences, toxicology, multi-disciplinary sciences, and humanities among others.

part 16|49 pages

Introduction to Second Generation Waste Biomass-based Bioethanol Fuels

chapter 59|27 pages

Second Generation Waste Biomass-based Bioethanol Fuels

Scientometric Study

part 17|48 pages

Second Generation Bioethanol Fuels from Residual Sugar Feedstocks

part 18|46 pages

Second Generation Bioethanol Fuels from Residual Starch Feedstocks

part 19|44 pages

Second Generation Food Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

chapter 65|26 pages

Second Generation Food Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

Scientometric Study

part 20|45 pages

Second Generation Industrial Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

part 21|43 pages

Second Generation Urban Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

chapter 69|25 pages

Second Generation Urban Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

Scientometric Study

part 22|44 pages

Second Generation Forestry Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

chapter 71|24 pages

Second Generation Forestry Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

Scientometric Study

part 23|58 pages

Lignocellulosic Biomass-based Bioethanol Fuels