This book is a compendium of resources largely by and for artists and scholars interested in engaging in conversations of justice, diversity, and historiography in the fields of theatre and performance studies.

For these students, and for the future instructors in our field who will use this book, we hold a tripartite hope: to expand, to enable, and to provide access. In its whole, we intend for this book to provoke its readers to question the narratives of history that they’ve received (and that they may promulgate) in their artistic and scholarly work. We aim to question methods and ethics of reading present in the western mode of studying drama and performance history. The contributions in the book—not traditional chapters, but manifestos, experiences, articles, conversations, and provocations—raise questions and illuminate gaps, and they do not speak in a unified voice or from a static position. These pieces are written by artists, graduate students, teachers, administrators, and undergraduates; these are expressions of hope and of experience, and not of dogma.

This book is aimed toward instructors of undergraduates, both graduate students and faculty at all levels of seniority within theatre and performance studies, as well as at artists and practitioners of the art that wish to find more just ways of viewing history.

chapter |4 pages



part I|90 pages

Our Art

chapter 2|23 pages

On the Move

A Methodology for Teaching Theatre Histories of Latinxs in the Americas

chapter |3 pages


An Intimate Night With Theatrical Black Excellence

part II|71 pages

Our Field

chapter 4|20 pages

The Alternative Canon: A Collaborative Discussion

Panel Two: Practices for the Present

chapter 5|8 pages

When We Meet

Intercultural Theatre Before and After the Coronavirus Pandemic

chapter 7|13 pages

The Geography of Our Discernment

What It Means to Show Up as Our Full Selves

chapter 8|7 pages

From Dissertation Page to Stage

Applying Graduate Studies to the Regional Theatre Production Process

chapter 9|5 pages

Responsible Gatekeeping

Or Questions I'm Asking Myself

chapter |3 pages


The Lesser of Two Evils(?): How Not to Create Spaces for Brown Trans Artistry

part III|57 pages

Our Teaching

chapter 10|16 pages

The Alternative Canon: A Collaborative Discussion

Panel Three: Toward Utopia

chapter |3 pages


Double Communication: Artist as Critic and Critic as Artist

chapter 12|4 pages

Close Reading

How Do Texts Perform?

chapter 13|7 pages

On the Ethics of Reading

A Suggestion and a Plea

chapter 14|13 pages

Better Worlds Through Pedagogy

A Vision for the Theatre Classroom

chapter 15|6 pages

Adaptation as Historiography

An Approach for Undergraduate Teaching