Posthumanist Research and Writing as Agentic Acts of Inclusion: Knowledge Forced Open looks at the true value and possibilities of 'learning' and knowledge within the emerging field of New Public Governance by examining, through a posthumanist lens and other perspectives, the paradoxical knowledge situation we are in today.

This book addresses the constitution of knowledge as an uncertain process, understanding text as spaces for entanglements of knowledge – knowledge not as certainty but as uncertainty – and writing as the act and art of engaging with these entanglements. Through examining research from multiple perspectives, text, stories as narrative are constructed as data – showing ethnographic engagements between writers, readers and texts. The authors show how to construct messy entanglements of continual, always already constant thinking and becomings, through the art and science of research and writing as knowledging processes.

Suitable for scholars of posthumanist thinking in Education and the social sciences, this book challenges the academy to look at new ways of thinking with and through knowledge and showing the importance of such processes.

part Section I|69 pages

Theoretical and philosophical groundwork on knowledge and knowability

chapter 1|17 pages

Introducing our riddling for knowledging

chapter 3|21 pages

Ontologies of indeterminacy and freedom

chapter 4|15 pages

Authoring agency

Force and flow: the paradox of slow and space

part Section II|45 pages

The actioning of theoretical thinking and knowledging

chapter 6|19 pages

Becoming technologists

Thinking grids and/of orientation

part Section III|38 pages

Futures governing presents

chapter 7|11 pages

Working our ‘tentative-isms’ in the knowledge academy

Education for fugitive futures

chapter 8|14 pages

Re-authoring methodologies