Transport and mobility history is one of the most exciting areas of historical research at the present. As its scope expands, it entices scholars working in fields as diverse as historical geography, management studies, sociology, industrial archaeology, cultural and literary studies, ethnography, and anthropology, as well as those working in various strands of historical research. Containing contributions exploring transport and mobility history after 1800, this volume of eclectic chapters shows how new subjects are explored, new sources are being encountered, considered and used, and how increasingly diverse and innovative methodological lenses are applied to both new and well-travelled subjects. From canals to Concorde, from freight to passengers, from screen to literature, the contents of this book will therefore not only demonstrate the cutting edge of research, and deliver valuable new insights into the role and position of transport and mobility in history, but it will also evidence the many and varied directions and possibilities that exist for the field’s future development.

chapter |12 pages


part 1|83 pages

Policy and practice

chapter 1|19 pages

Supersonic/gin and tonic

The rise and fall of Concorde, 1950–2000

chapter 2|20 pages

Observing ‘Saint Monday’

Variations in the potential for leisure mobility for workers in the north of England in the mid-nineteenth century

chapter 3|23 pages

The vulnerability paradox

The illusion of permanence in the UK public transport industry

chapter 4|19 pages

Barrels rolling free

Modal shift in the brewing industry, 1897–1914

part 2|54 pages

Cultures of transport

chapter 5|15 pages

Maintaining the connections

A social and cultural history of the permanent way

chapter 6|22 pages

“Being poor is going to the Ritz on the bus”

The portrayal of buses and trams in popular culture

part 3|78 pages


chapter 10|16 pages

Identification of the urban infrastructure of nineteenth-century horse transport

A case study of Worksop, Nottinghamshire, UK

chapter 11|22 pages

Digital disasters

Crowdsourcing the railway accident