The Mental Health of Gifted Intelligent Machines explores the increasingly sophisticated behaviours of developing AI and how we can ensure it will have emotional resilience, ethical strength and an ability to think in a new and enhanced way. Its primary aim is to change how we understand the world by investigating humanity as an intelligent being, examining and contrasting human and artificial intelligence.

The book considers what we can learn from the likely mental health issues that will occur with increasingly sophisticated aspects of machine intelligence and how they will reflect the human condition. It asks questions about our identity in a deeply uncertain and disruptive ever-changing world; how we will improve and enhance our psychological intelligence to meet the increasing complications and demands of the future; and what we need to do, now, to be psychologically intelligent enough to live a full meaningful life in a new world evolving around us. The book argues that changes in our understanding of mental health, psychology and our view of intelligence will challenge huge aspects of our fundamental beliefs and assumptions and that it is essential we explore new arenas to further understand both our own human psychological issues and mental health as we develop gifted intelligent machines.

It is a must read for all students, researchers and professionals involved with AI, gifted education, consciousness and mental health.

chapter |8 pages


part I|94 pages

Darkside when all is otherwise

chapter 1|54 pages

Mental health in the mirror of AI

chapter 2|17 pages


The survival experts

chapter 3|21 pages


A unique survival tool

part II|48 pages

Mental abilities in the mirror of AI

chapter 4|13 pages

The twice exceptional (2e) gifted learner

Embracing neurodiversity and AI, the hidden potential

chapter 5|24 pages

Spiritually and sexuality

The possible futures of robot–human sexual–spiritual relationships

chapter 6|9 pages

The reasonable machine and we

part III|24 pages


chapter 8|8 pages

The future of identity

People, machines and curious cognition

part IV|64 pages

A post-who-knows-what

chapter 9|13 pages

A poetical scientific proposal

chapter 10|6 pages

Patterns of future change

chapter 11|12 pages

Conjoining intelligences

Human–AI integration

chapter 12|17 pages

The psychology of machines

Exploring human–machine interaction

chapter 13|8 pages

Preparing for the post-future

chapter 14|6 pages

When history ends in a moment