This book describes various aspects of technical textiles and materials, emerging technologies, plant by-products, ultrafine fibers, functional fibers, and fabrics, covering the entire spectrum of technical textiles. It covers the fundamental aspects of emerging technology, materials, and processes. It also discusses various futuristic potential nanofibrous material spun via needleless technology and their inherent properties utilized for creating functional applications in the field of technical textiles.


  • Covers the fundamentals of technical fibers and their processing technologies.
  • Explores natural fibers from agro-residue for high-value technical textiles.
  • Presents up-to-date summary of technical textiles and associated technology.
  • Highlights research and development studies data translated into product-oriented research and practical applications.
  • Identifies the coloring ability of prevailing and new sources of pigments from bioresources.

The book is aimed at researchers, professionals, and graduate students in textile and industrial engineering, materials science, and engineering, including apparel engineering.