This book provides readers with the tools and methods with which to create effective tabletop games. It covers the design and development process thoroughly, guiding readers through the necessary mechanics, messages, and motivations of games that must be understood in order to build successful tabletop games, including serious educational games for teaching or training.

Through a range of learning activities and methodologies, readers will develop an understanding of games and an appreciation for the creating and testing of game play whilst critically exploring the relationship between games, motivation, and learning. It includes chapters on design methodology, narrative, accessibility, playtesting, and more.

This book will be of great interest to students of game design and serious game design courses. It will also appeal to designers, educators, and hobbyists interested in designing and developing their own tabletop games, educational or otherwise.

chapter 1|6 pages


chapter 2|8 pages

Serious Games

chapter 3|9 pages

Psychology and Pedagogy

chapter 4|10 pages

Design Methodology

chapter 5|17 pages


chapter 6|22 pages

Game Categories and Mechanics

chapter 7|9 pages


chapter 8|18 pages

Deconstructing a Game

chapter 9|13 pages


chapter 10|19 pages

Visual Design

chapter 11|10 pages

Prototyping and Playtesting

chapter 12|18 pages

Taking Your Game to Market

chapter 14|5 pages
