First published in 1974, The American Prison Business studies the lunacies, the delusions, and the bizarre inner workings of the American prison business. From the first demonstration that the penitentiary is an American invention that was initiated by the late eighteenth-century reformers, to the startling revelations, in the chapter called ‘Cheaper than Chimpanzees’ of how pharmaceutical companies lease prisoners as human guinea-pigs, every page stimulates and surprises the reader as Jessica Mitford describes, inter alia the chemical, surgical and psychiatric techniques used to help ‘violent’ prisoners to be ‘reborn’; why businessmen tend to be more enthusiastic than the prisoners they employ in the ‘rent-a-con’ plan; and the Special Isolation Diet which tastes like inferior dog food. Jessica Mitford’s financial analysis of the prison business is a scoop. Her hard-eyed examination of how parole really works is a revelation. As the prison abolition movement continues to gain momentum, this book will provide food for thought for legislators, officials and students of sociology, law, criminology, penology, and history.

chapter 1|11 pages

The Keepers and the Kept

chapter 2|16 pages

Women in Cages

chapter 3|16 pages

101 Years of Prison Reform

chapter 4|12 pages

The Criminal Type

chapter 5|21 pages

What Counts as Crime?

chapter 6|16 pages

The Indeterminate Sentence

chapter 7|23 pages


chapter 8|20 pages

Clockwork Orange

chapter 9|31 pages

Cheaper than Chimpanzees

chapter 10|20 pages

The Prison Business

chapter 11|27 pages

Employment and Welfare

chapter 12|12 pages


chapter 13|20 pages

Prison Protest

chapter 14|22 pages

The Lawlessness of Corrections

chapter 15|29 pages

Reform or Abolition?