Providing readers with insights and examples of how teacher educators learn and teach a pedagogy of teacher education (PTE), Butler and Bullock organize a wholistic and practical resource for the next generation of teacher educators. Expanding on the highly referenced scholarship of John Loughran and Tom Russell, Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education explores the learning of PTE through individual and collaborative endeavors, and large-scale institutional and cross-national initiatives. Contributors highlight their experiences teaching PTE in formal learning spaces, in international workshop settings, and on the program-wide scale in order to uncover how they came to understand PTE and enact it effectively. Each chapter connects broad strokes concepts of PTE to well-defined teacher education fields, such as social justice, literacy, early childhood education, and communities of practice. Blending well-established theory with contemporary examples, this book is a great tool for teacher education faculty, doctoral students, and those interested in improving their PTE or supporting others in their PTE learning.

chapter 3|18 pages

New Positions, New Pedagogies

Learning and Becoming in a Novice Teacher Educator Community of Practice

chapter 4|16 pages

Learning a New Pedagogy of Teacher Education Through Critical Friendship

Examining Mindfulness as Content and as Pedagogy

chapter 6|15 pages

Unpacking Practice

Teaching, While Learning, a Pedagogy of Teacher Education

chapter 10|18 pages

The Persistent Relational Disconnect of Teacher Education

Reimagining Teacher Education Pedagogy as Feminists

chapter 13|17 pages

A Pedagogy of Teacher Educator Development

Lessons Learned and Future Considerations

chapter 14|5 pages

Signaling New Directions

Lessons for Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education