Music Schools in Changing Societies addresses the need to understand instrumental and vocal pedagogy beyond the individual sphere of teacher–student interactions and psychological phenomena, focusing instead on the wider sociocultural, spatial, and institutional contexts of music education. Viewing music education through the perspective of collaboration, the book focuses on the context of European music schools, which have developed a central role in publicly funded educational and cultural systems. The authors demonstrate that multilevel collaboration is a vital part of how music educators and the schools where they work can respond to wider societal concerns in ways that improve educational quality.

Presenting examples of innovative practices and collaborative settings from twelve European countries, this book offers new and inspiring perspectives on how music schools can support the transformation towards collaborative professionalism in instrumental and vocal music education. With contributions from a wide range of researchers and professional educators, the book shows how a collaborative approach to music education can address major policy issues such as inclusion, democracy, and sustainability. Addressing current institutional and curricular challenges, Music Schools in Changing Societies presents a unique outlook on how music schools in contemporary societies can survive and thrive in times of change.

chapter |11 pages


A collaborative journey

part I|42 pages

Collaborative teaching and learning

part II|58 pages

Music schools reaching out

chapter 5|17 pages

Pushing institutional boundaries

An educational governance perspective on music education pathways through music school, Musikgymnasium, and conservatory

chapter 6|7 pages

Ethno gatherings

Possibilities for meaningful collaborations across the formal and non-formal continuum

chapter 8|7 pages

Interschool collaboration enriches students' musical education

Insights from a Greek–German transnational project

part III|80 pages

The impact of shifting cultural and educational landscapes

chapter 10|14 pages

“No kulturskole is an island”

Insights from a collaborative development project in three Nordic countries

chapter 11|8 pages

Collaborating for research, researching for collaboration

On mapping nationwide extracurricular music education in Switzerland

chapter 12|9 pages

From collaborative subsidiarity to professionally recognised collaboration

A way forward for instrumental and vocal music education in Ireland

chapter 13|9 pages

The “right to all possible paths”

Alliances and collaboration between music schools, the education system, and cultural institutions for the horizontal extension of the arts and arts education practice

chapter 14|15 pages

Multicentric policy practice

Collaboration as policy enactment in Sweden's Art and Music Schools

chapter 15|16 pages

On the significance of collaboration

A personal perspective

chapter |7 pages


Present and future prospects of collaborative professionalism in music schools