This book examines Chinese film in the twenty-first century. Organized around the themes "movements," "genres," and "intermedia," it reflects on how Chinese cinema has changed, adapted, and evolved over past decades and prognosticates as to its future trajectories. It considers how established film genres in China have adapted and transformed themselves, and discusses current shifts in documentary filmmaking, the ethos and practices of "grassroots intellectual" independent filmmakers, and the adaption of foreign film genres to serve the ideological and political needs of the present. It also explores how film is drawing on the socio-historical and political contexts of the past to create new cinematic discourses and the ways film is providing a voice to previously marginalised ethnic groups. In addition, the book analyses the influences of past aesthetic traditions on the creative and artistic expressions of twenty-first-century films and cinema’s relation to other media forms, including folktales, moving image installations, architecture, and painting. Throughout, the book assesses how Chinese films have been conceptualized, examined, and communicated domestically and abroad and emphasizes the importance of new directions in Chinese film, thus highlighting the plurality, vitality, and hybridity of Chinese cinema in the twenty-first century.

part I|72 pages


chapter 1|17 pages

Chinese Documentary

Towards a Minjian Poetics

chapter 2|17 pages

Sojourners on the Rivers and Lakes

Chinese Independent Filmmakers as Jianghu Ke (江湖客)

chapter 3|16 pages

The South China New Wave

Cinema as Xinxiang (Affective-Ideational Imagery)

part II|57 pages


chapter 5|18 pages

Mainland New Year Films

From Genre to Cinema Season, 1997–2004

chapter 6|15 pages

The Chinese “Quasi-Noir” Cinema Tradition

From Fante Pian to Neo-Noir

chapter 7|22 pages

Re-Animating Chinese Myths

Mythology and/as Mythologies in Contemporary Chinese Animation

part III|54 pages


chapter 8|19 pages

Film in Brushstrokes

An Intermedial Study on the Integration of Traditional Chinese Painting in Mr. No Problem and Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

chapter 10|17 pages

The World and Beijing World Park

Film Tourism, Intermedia, Embodiment, and the Fake