A Nation of Change and Novelty (1990) ranges broadly over the political and literary terrain of the seventeenth century, examining the importance of the English Revolution as a decisive event in English and European history. It emphasises the historical significance of the English Revolution, exploring not only its causes but also its long term consequences, basing both in a broad social context and viewing it as a necessary condition of England’s having nurtured the first Industrial Revolution.

chapter 1|5 pages


chapter 4|26 pages

Archbishop Laud's place in English history

chapter 5|20 pages

The word ‘Revolution’

chapter 7|19 pages

Gerrard Winstanley and freedom

chapter 9|43 pages

Abolishing the Ranters

chapter 10|23 pages

Literature and the English Revolution

chapter 11|26 pages

The Restoration and literature

chapter 12|14 pages

History and the present