Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics: Building and Investigating an English as a Medium of Instruction Corpus offers a model for building a corpus of oral EMI seminars. It demonstrates how incorporating metaphor to the process of corpus building affords a more comprehensive description of the role of metaphor in discourse.

EMI is the specific context outlined in this volume, and as such it will be of particular interest to researchers in this area, though the design and model can be easily generalised and applied to other corpora focusing on metaphor. Alejo-González argues for the need to build such a corpus given the scarcity of corpora being tagged for metaphor as well as the shortage of those dealing with the EMI phenomenon.

This book will be of practical use and interest to those researchers of corpus linguistics or related areas looking to explore metaphor through their corpus studies.

chapter 1|29 pages

Metaphor and corpus linguistics

chapter 2|20 pages

English as a Medium of Instruction

chapter 3|19 pages

Introducing the MetCLIL corpus

chapter 4|27 pages

Building MetCLIL

chapter 5|17 pages

Metaphor tagging

chapter 6|18 pages

Quantifying metaphor use

The role of external variables

chapter 7|18 pages

Individual variables

chapter 8|20 pages

Exemplary study of speech metaphors 1

Corpus exploration of a target domain