The smart city movement, during the last decade and a half, advocated the built environment and digital technology convergence with the backing of institutional capital and government support. The commitment of a significant number of local governments across the globe, in terms of official smart city policies and initiatives, along with the constant push of global technology giants, has reinforced the popularity of this movement. This two-volume treatment on smart cities thoroughly explores and sheds light on the prominent elements of the smart city phenomenon and generates a smart city blueprint.

This first volume, with its 12 chapters, provides a sound understanding on the key foundations and growth directions of smart city frameworks, technologies, and platforms, with theoretical expansions, practical implications, and real-world case study lessons.

The second companion volume offers sophisticated perspectives on the key foundations and directions of smart city policies, communities, and urban futures, with theoretical expansions, practical implications, and real-world case study lessons.

This book is an invaluable reference source for urban policymakers, managers, planners, practitioners, and many others, particularly to benefit from it when tackling key urban and societal issues and planning for and delivering smart city solutions. Moreover, the book is also a rich and important repository for scholars and research and undergraduate students as it communicates the complex smart city phenomenon in an easy to digest form, by providing both the big picture view and specifics of each component of that view. It also appeals to local government agencies and smart city practitioners.

part 1|94 pages

Smart City Framework

chapter 1|32 pages

Multidimensional Perspective

chapter 2|35 pages

Smart and Sustainable

chapter 3|25 pages

Transformation Readiness

part 2|136 pages

Smart City Technology

chapter 4|21 pages

Perception and Utilisation

chapter 5|37 pages

Smarter with Technology

chapter 6|29 pages

Urban Artificial Intelligences

chapter 7|19 pages

Green Artificial Intelligence

chapter 8|28 pages

Smart Urban Mobility

part 3|106 pages

Smart City Platform

chapter 9|21 pages

Mobile Energy as a Service

chapter 10|35 pages

Mobility as a Service

chapter 11|28 pages

Urban Management Platform

chapter 12|20 pages

City as a Platform