This book examines sustainable manufacturing, from the extraction of materials to processing, use, and disposal, and argues that significant changes in all of the above are needed for the world to progress toward a more circular economy.

Materials and processing methods are usually chosen with performance as the key metric. Why has our society embraced plastics? Because they work. In most cases, they are lighter, easier to manufacture, and less expensive than the metal, wood, glass, or stone they have replaced. Why do industrial manufacturers use toxic chemicals? Because they are effective, but the unintended consequences may be severe. By learning how various materials are made and what happens when they are recycled, readers will better understand the value of materials and the challenges that manufacturers face when trying to make their facilities and products less toxic and less wasteful. The three chapters in Part I provide essential background about materials in the circular economy, chemicals, and waste. Part II delves into specific materials. It includes chapters on plastics, metals, wood and paper products, glass, and novel materials. Part III covers recycling and manufacturing processes, and Part IV delves into practical considerations, including the effect of regulations, concluding with a chapter that helps readers translate the information presented into action. Interviews with industry experts round out the chapters and offer valuable insights.

Materials and Sustainability is a must-read for business professionals who are serious about making their companies as environmentally responsible as possible and for business and engineering students who want to begin their careers with practical knowledge about materials and their impacts.

part I|48 pages

Setting the Stage, Posing the Problem

chapter 1|12 pages


Materials and the Circular Economy

chapter 2|21 pages


The Challenge of Removing Toxicants

chapter 3|13 pages

Reining in Excess Waste

part II|82 pages

The Materials We Use

chapter 4|19 pages

Metals and Mining

Routes to Responsible Practices

chapter 5|14 pages

Wood, Pulp, and Cellulosic Materials

Are They All Leafy Green?

chapter 6|12 pages


A Brighter, Lighter Future?

chapter 7|18 pages


Wonder Materials or Global Disaster?

chapter 8|17 pages

Material Innovations and Future Materials

Can Performance Improvements Make Them Mainstream?

part III|60 pages

Rethinking the Product Life Cycle

chapter 9|24 pages

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

chapter 10|17 pages

Tackling the E-Waste Monster

chapter 11|17 pages

It Adds Up

3D Printing and Sustainability

part IV|52 pages

Practical Considerations to Motivate Change

chapter 13|11 pages

The Message You Send

The Value of Transparency and Disclosure

chapter |5 pages


Looking to the future