Putting a vision on the page for creative and commercial video is harder than it seems, but author Carey Martin explains how to bring these tools to bear in the “work for hire” environment.

Whilst other texts focus on writing the next award winner, this can be out of reach both logistically and financially for many. Instead, readers will learn how to write what they want the eyes of the audience to see and the ears of the audience to hear, in such a way that the Producer and Director can read the creative blueprint and bring that vision to life. The text will walk readers through a focused and practical consideration of the camera, the edit, and the sound design, in addition to a straightforward application of basic story principles. By understanding writing for video as more than creating a recorded play, readers will become more effective screenwriters and, should they wish, Producers and Directors as well.

This book is ideal for students of screenwriting and those writing scripts for message-driven video for corporate, nonprofit, and commercial production.

chapter 1|9 pages

"Applied" versus "Basic" Screenwriting

chapter 2|18 pages

The Story

The Pulse of the Script

chapter 3|19 pages

The Production Team

The Target for the Script

chapter 4|12 pages

The Format

The Structure of the Script

chapter 5|10 pages

The Scene Description

Opening the Eyes of the Audience

chapter 6|31 pages

Camera and Lighting

Focusing the Eyes of the Audience

chapter 7|7 pages


Moving the Eyes of the Audience

chapter 8|9 pages


The Ears of the Audience

chapter 9|4 pages

The Conclusion

The Effect on the Audience