Despite the conventional wisdom that affordable housing, either in the form of homeownership or through access to rental units, has beneficial effects for households, society, and the economy more broadly, there is a noteworthy lack of empirical studies of housing development and construction companies or building societies that actively work to supply this asset class in the economy. There are several reasons for this condition, including the “thin market” for such business activities. This book offers a case study that includes two Swedish housing development companies that have targeted a market niche for affordable homes that few other companies and market actors are concerned with.

One company is part of a major construction company conglomerate which produces prefabricated housing modules to better serve the low-end niche of the housing market. The other company is a municipality-owned housing development company that acts on the basis of market practices and rules but that also on policymakers’ stated ambition to provide affordable homes for the residents in the municipality, the largest municipality in a major Swedish metropolitan area. Taken together, the study of these two companies provides first-hand insights into how the production of affordable homes takes place in a real-world economy.

The book is of relevance for a variety of readers, including graduate students, management scholars, policymakers, and management consultants.

part 1|74 pages

The institutionally embedded production of affordable housing

chapter 1|35 pages

The housing question

Political deliberations and policymaking in financialized housing markets

chapter 2|37 pages

The welfare consequences of housing policy

part 2|90 pages

To supply commercially affordable housing

chapter 3|12 pages

The methodology of the study

chapter 4|17 pages

To acquire buildable land

Collaborating with municipality agencies and their officials

chapter 5|15 pages

The mundanity of cost cutting

The value of small wins in affordable housing production

chapter 6|17 pages

Affordable housing and the aesthetic imperative

Who gets to decide what to be built?

chapter 7|12 pages

Meaning and social contributions in affordable housing production

The perceived value of work that matters

chapter 8|15 pages

To supply affordable homes

Theoretical contributions and policy implications