First published in 1961, Does Pornography Matter? consists of chapters written by seven men who were likely to have different points of view, and who would write with authority from the interest they represented. There was no assumption behind the question, and in fact each author has concluded that in one way or another pornography does matter. It was felt, as a start, that to judge whether this or that book was obscene, or a ‘masterpiece’, was not central to the problem. The purpose of the editor was to ask the right question, which is whether pornography matters. The result is a fascinating analysis and some suggestions towards a complete answer. This book will be of interest to students of sociology, religion and psychology.

chapter 1|10 pages

The RT Hon Lord Birkett, P.C.

chapter 2|16 pages

Sir Herbert Read

chapter 3|14 pages

Geoffrey Gorer

chapter 4|14 pages

Rev Dr Donald Soper

chapter 5|25 pages

Dr Robert Gosling

chapter 6|21 pages

Dom Denys Rutledge

chapter 7|12 pages

C. H. Rolph